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The Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia (EFMNS) is a non-profit, charitable organization that engages with vulnerable women, girls, and gender diverse people. EFMNS is devoted to improving the lives of community members in Nova Scotia through comprehensive housing supports, innovative programming initiatives, justice system reform and through building individual strength and capacity in all of the women we serve. 


The Elizabeth Fry Society of Cape Breton (EFryCB) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting vulnerable women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals in Nova Scotia. EFryCB focusses on reintegration, rehabilitation, and personal empowerment, addressing the root causes of criminalization through housing support, innovative programs, and justice system reform.

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The Mi'kmaw Legal Support Network is a specialized organization that provides legal assistance and advocacy to Mi'kmaw people in Nova Scotia. It offers support in navigating the legal system, addressing issues related to Indigenous rights, and ensuring that Mi'kmaw perspectives are represented in legal matters.


The Coverdale Courtwork Society in Nova Scotia is a nonprofit organization that provides legal support and advocacy for women involved in the criminal justice system. It offers assistance with court processes and navigating the complexities of the legal system, aiming to help women achieve better outcomes and understand their rights. The society also works to address the broader social issues affecting women in the justice system, including issues related to poverty, substance abuse, and domestic violence.

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The African Nova Scotian Justice Institute is an organization dedicated to addressing and improving justice and legal issues impacting African Nova Scotians. It focuses on advocacy, policy development, and providing support to ensure equitable treatment and representation within the justice system for this community.


Dalhousie Legal Aid Service does community outreach, education, organizing, lobbying and test case litigation to combat injustices affecting persons with low incomes in Nova Scotia. The Service offers advocacy workshops and legal information sessions (expertise in residential tenancy matters) and works with other groups to lobby the government on social assistance policy and other policies negatively affecting persons with low incomes.

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Nova Scotia Legal Aid has many free legal services to help adults and youth facing a range of legal issues in Nova Scotia. They may be able to help if you have problems with criminal law, family law and many areas of social justice and civil law such as CPP, Employment Insurance or Income Assistance. Although some of their services are based on financial need, they have some services available to all Nova Scotians.


ECPJS offers civilian oversight for provincial jails in Nova Scotia. The Visiting Committee offers resources, legal information and advocacy. Contact ECPJS through their toll-free phone line at 1-877-589-9294.


The John Howard Society of Nova Scotia is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting justice and supporting men involved in the criminal justice system. It provides a range of services, including rehabilitation, reintegration support, and advocacy, aimed at reducing recidivism and helping individuals lead productive lives. The society also works on systemic issues related to criminal justice and social inequality.

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85 Queen Street, Dartmouth, NS  B2Y 1G7


Main Office: (902) 706-4607

Intakes: 1 (888) 237-9003

Fax: (902) 600-9793

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Outcomes vary according to the facts of each individual case. You should not rely on information about any particular service or practice area in the place of legal advice. For more information about a particular service or for legal advice, contact a lawyer. 

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